

Anna Oosterling’s clear way of communicating and her extraordinary soft skills are two examples of how she inspired me to get my own act together. A very good presentation with room for questions (and good answers!) with a great deal of care and attention for her audience. Looking forward to more great insights!

Guus van Beelen

Anna gave our young participants of YouthBank Delft a great inspirational speech. She talked about success, and even more important, about persistence and self-confidence. She really showed herself in an open and honest way. She made a real connection with the young people in the room. Later that evening she turned out to be an excellent coach and mediator too. So if you want a person who brings more than only knowledge, get Anna! I’m sure she’ll bring you everything she got!

Sanne Barkhuizen

Anna Oosterling heeft een dubbeltalent. Aan de ene kant is zij de goed georganiseerde tour manager die haar mannetje staat in een mannenwereld. Aan de andere kant is zij een getalenteerd moderator of panelleider bij forumdiscussies of workshops in de muziekindustrie. Geef haar de presentatie- of interruptiemicrofoon in handen en de discussie wordt er een stuk levendiger op. Ze heeft zich bewezen onder anderen bij de Muziekcafé’s van het nu gestopte Muziek Centrum Nederland en gaat daar nu mee verder bij Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam.

Robbert Tilli


Anna helped our team (from a record label) in a very personal, professional and empathic manner by explaining all the ins and out and options for our social media strategy. Even though one of our members was pretty sceptical about social media she explained patiently how to proceed in a way that suits the label’s vision. I would recommend her sincerely and will go back for advice soon! (also for her cute dog)

Esther Roozendaal

After just one session I drove back inspired and with concrete ideas about what moves to make before my EP comes out. Also got a lot of insights about the music industry. Thanks!

Jermain Bridgewater

Ik heb een heel tof gesprek gehad met Anna in een van haar spreekuren, ze heeft in dat gesprek een 5-stappenplan voor me uitgestippeld en daar ben ik nu druk mee bezig. Dit heeft me nu al heel veel geholpen met het solideren van mijn project en ik ga er veel aan hebben in de toekomst. Ik raad iedereen aan om een keer met haar om de tafel te gaan zitten!

Sascha van Loenen

Workshops & masterclasses

The ‘4 level game’ is so clear, so easy and so rewarding! This is definitely a work from Anna as she has this gift of making the blurry clear and transparent. It helped me in so many ways. I joined the workshop to get a better understanding of how to use Social Media and what Strategy might be useful for my profession, but I got a lot more out of it. This is a great, fun and clear workshop that goes to the core, leaving you with enough homework and tons of ideas. I truly recommend this to everyone!

Helena Mercera

We asked Anna to teach a masterclass and give tips and tricks on the use of social media to a very diverse group of people, including amateur art practitioners, art teachers and freelancers. Her presentation was really fluent and inspiring with lots of practical tips and interesting stories about her experiences in the music industry. She is an eloquent speaker. Participants were very enthusiastic, she appealed to everybody on their own level of experience and she was careful not to overthrow people with information but to motivate them to get going and put social media to their own use. She gave a clear map to how to get your message across and how to reach your target groups. I definitely recommend her and will ask her again! She makes it seem so easy.

Dunja Gasper

I visited the tour management masterclass and was impressed with many things, but some aspects surpassed my expectations. Why it was excellent: The stories that were shared were insightful but also very personal. The masterclass also provided enough space to get to know other participants. I also had the impression the workshop was well tailored to participants (e.g. personal clipboards with participant names, Anna also looked up who was visiting the masterclass). I would recommend the workshops/masterclasses for experienced tour managers as well as beginners or people who are interested. But I also learned stuff I can use as a promoter, producer of festivals or as a stage manager.

Jens Lendering


Wat een fijne boek om te lezen. En zelfs bij mijn kinderen die niet aan het strand wonen zorgt het ervoor dat de fantasie geprikkeld wordt. De levensles niet opgeven en hulp accepteren waar nodig is universeel. Boek werkt trouwens ook prima als surfboard in het naspelen van het verhaal! ;)

Gianna Brus (moeder & zorgverlener)

“Onze oppas spreekt alleen Engels en leest de Engelse kant van het boek voor. En die surflessen zijn hier natuurlijk een dikke hit.”

Daan Meis (vader & surfer)

“Ons gezin houdt van dit boek! Siggy is een personage waar iedereen zich mee kan identificeren. Mijn dochter (3) en man (32) vinden elkaar in Siggy’s perfectionisme en moed om te blijven proberen. Door de veelzijdige illustraties en tweetaligheid is het een gift that keeps on giving!”

Johanna Nolet (moeder & schrijver)